Vindern Skole
The Swing Fever venue this year is Vindern Skole, a school located fairly centrally in Oslo.
The address is Haakon den Godes vei 17.
The address is Haakon den Godes vei 17.
Public Transportation
From downtown stations, take the number 1 Metro towards Frognerseteren and get off at Vindern. From Stortinget, the trip is about 10 minutes. The school is across the road and two houses down (see the map) from the metro stop.
The number 46 bus and number 12 night bus also stop nearby, at Vindern T and Vindern stops respectively.
The number 46 bus and number 12 night bus also stop nearby, at Vindern T and Vindern stops respectively.
- No alcohol at the venue - this is the drawback of using a school (or one of the benefits, depending on your point of view)